Historical Memory

Historical Memory of Evangelization through the Order Servants of Mary

22. From the very beginning of their evangelical- penitential life outside the walls of Florence the Seven Founders practiced evangelization through their life witness.

23. The Servite Order was born of this evangelizing witness: “Many, attracted by the sweet odor, decided to go and live with them… and not ever give up their company” (n. 47).

24. The lives of the Order’s saints give the same message.

25. The Servants of Mary carry on this humble kind of apostolic service in their sanctuaries, parishes and other social and cultural works.

26. We can see how throughout history the life of the Order moves ahead in movements of concentration and dilation, of which Monte Senario and Florence are symbols.

27. At the midpoint of the last century the Order, until that time limited to Europe, widened its evangelizing service to include North America for the sake of the immigrants they are in need of pastoral care.

28. We can ask why our Order, with respect to others, became aware of the urgency of missionary work remarkably late.

29. Let us recall

Questions for community reflection
1. What is the most important lesson you have learned from the historical memory of the evangelizing activity of the Order?
2. What can our community learn from the “way of attraction’ characteristic of the Order’s evangelization method? Which evangelical values do most to attract men and women today? How is the CC way of attraction’ related to the mission “ad gentes”?
3. Can you speak of a member of the Order that re presents for you a living witness of dedication to the evangelization mission?