About St. Philip and St. Peregrine
In 1283 Saint Philip, Prior General of the Friar Servants of Saint Mary, attempted to lead back to obedience to the Apostolic See the citizens of Forlì then under interdict. He was driven out of the city with insults and violence. While this true follower of Christ was praying for his persecutors, one of the crowd, an eighteen year old by the name of Peregrine of the famous Laziosi family, repented and humbly asked Philip for forgiveness. The holy Father received him with love. From that moment the young man began to scorn the vanities of the world and to pray most fervently to the Blessed Virgin, asking that she show him the way of salvation. A few years later, guided by the Virgin, he received the habit of Our Lady in the priory of Siena where he dedicated himself to her service. There, together with Blessed Francis of Siena, he committed himself totally to the Servite life.
St. Peregrine Ministry
St Peregrine Ministry Mission Statement Inspired by Mary at the foot of the Cross, and by our brother friar St. Peregrine, OSM, patron saint of those living with cancer, we Servites accompany and support persons who suffer from serious illness, especially cancer, along with their loved ones and caregivers. We offer our faith, compassion and prayerful intercession, that they may experience hope, peace and the healing presence of God in their lives.
St. Peregrine Devotion
It should be consoling to every sick person to know that he or she does not suffer alone. Throughput the world, others are afflicted as well. All of us, by our crosses and trials, can assume an active role in the work of redemption. St. Peregrine, miraculously healed of a cancerous wound, assisted Christ in this noble apostolate of suffering through his own experience of illness and pain. There is significance in the fact that St. Peregrine was healed at the foot of the cross. The miracle might have occurred in a sick bed or a shrine. But it didn’t. St. Peregrine’s healing took place before the cross where all who are sick must eventually find themselves if they wish to participate in the redemptive action of Jesus Christ.
Book, “Jesus the Healer; St. Peregrine, OSM, the Helper” by Fr. C. Krymski, OSM
St. Peregrine was a labor brother and porter of the Servite Monastery in his hometown of Forli, Italy. In this book you will learn the real story of St. Peregrine with letters from those who have sought his intercession for serious illness. They share how God is helping them to cope with their illness. Included is a nine day novena in honor of St. Peregrine, OSM based on the fruits of the Holy Spirit.Jesus, the Healer; St. Peregrine, OSM the Helper has original illustration and poetry by Fr. Chris Krymski, OSM.
$10 a copy plus $3.00 for mailing cost. To Order a CopyMail your request and check to:St. Peregrine Ministries3121 West Jackson Blvd.Chicago, IL. 60612
Email your request to: chriskrymski@aol.com
The Compassionate Companions Newsletter
The Compassionate Companions Newsletter is published three times a year by the Order of Friar Servants of Mary.
St. Peregrine Ministry Newsletter Archives
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