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Father, source of light in every age, the virgin conceived and bore your Son who is called Wonderful God, Prince of Peace. May her prayer, the gift of a mother‟s love, be your people‟s joy through all ages. May her response, born of a humble heart, draw your Spirit to rest on your people. Grant this through Christ our Lord. Father, source of light in every age, the virgin conceived and bore your Son who is called Wonderful God, Prince of Peace. Copyright © CURIA GENERALIZIA OSM, Piazza San Marcello, 5 – Roma May her prayer, the gift of a mother‟s love, be your people‟s joy through all ages. May her response, born of a humble heart, draw your Spirit to rest on your people. Grant this through Christ our Lord. Prayer Prayer Prayer God of mercy, Prayer Prayer Prayer Prayer Prayer Prayer Almighty Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, you have revealed the beauty of your power by exalting the lowly virgin of Nazareth and making her the mother of our Savior. May the prayers of this woman bring Jesus to the waiting world and fill the void of incompletion with the presence of her child, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. PRAYER Lord our God, you made Saint Peregrine an outstanding example of penance and patient suffering. By imitating his virtues and trusting in his prayers, may we too learn to endure the trials of this life with courage and so enter into our heavenly reward with joy. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen PRAYER Lord our God, you made Saint Peregrine an outstanding example of penance and patient suffering. By imitating his virtues and trusting in his prayers, may we too learn to endure the trials of this life with courage and so enter into our heavenly reward with joy. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Lord our God, in the great mystery of your provident care, Copyright © CURIA GENERALIZIA OSM, Piazza San Marcello, 5 – Roma you gave us Jesus, the source of life and grace, through Mary, his Mother. You willed that she would share in his work of redemption at the cross. We ask her motherly intercession to obtain for us your gifts of life and to lead us to the fullness of redemption. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Lord our God, in the great mystery of your provident care, you gave us Jesus, the source of life and grace, through Mary, his Mother. You willed that she would share in his work of redemption at the cross. We ask her motherly intercession to obtain for us your gifts of life and to lead us to the fullness of redemption. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Prayer Prayer Prayer Prayer Prayer Father, Prayer PRAYER Prayer Father, Father, Father in heaven, Father, Prayer Prayer Prayer Father of mercy, Father, Prayer Lord, Prayer Image: Scuola Lombarda: La Vergine e i sette Sanit Fondatori dei Servi di Maria, meta sec. XVIII. Santa Maria Hoe (Lecco), Convento del Santuario dell’Addolorata Image: Scuola Lombarda: La Vergine e i sette Sanit Fondatori dei Servi di Maria, meta sec. XVIII. Santa Maria Hoe (Lecco), Convento del Santuario dell’Addolorata Dionisio Calvaert (Anversa, 1540): II Paradiso, 1602. Bologna Basilica de Santa Maria dei Servi Dionisio Calvaert (Anversa, 1540): II Paradiso, 1602. Bologna Basilica de Santa Maria dei Servi Eternal Father, Father, the image of the Virgin is found in the Church. Prayer God of power and mercy, you blessed the Americas at Tepeyac PrayerSaints and Blesseds and Mary in the Liturgical Year
Father in heave, you made Saint Anthony exemplary as Servant of Mary and pastor of your
people. May our devotion to Mary help us be generous servants of your people, building your
kingdom on earth.We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Father in heaven, your love inspired James to risk his life in defense of the rights of the poor and oppressed. Make us strong and courageous against opposition as we work for peace and justice, building a community of love. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ.
God our Father, you taught Joachim, disciple of Jesus and Mary, to serve his brothers and sisters even by accepting their sickness. May we learn from his example to acknowledge our own weakness and so be compassionate and understanding of the weakness of others. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ.
we celebrate the feast of Mary,
the sinless mother of God.
May her prayers help us
to rise above our human weakness.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.
Merciful God, guided by your lovin care, Mary, our glorius Mother, called seven holy men to found a new family of her Servants. Grant that by our devotion to Mary we may more generously serve you and each other. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Merciful God, guided by your lovin care, Mary, our glorius Mother, called seven holy men to found a new family of her Servants. Grant that by our devotion to Mary we may more generously serve you and each other. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Merciful God, guided by your lovin care, Mary, our glorius Mother, called seven holy men to found a new family of her Servants. Grant that by our devotion to Mary we may more generously serve you and each other. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Merciful God, guided by your lovin care, Mary, our glorius Mother, called seven holy men to found a new family of her Servants. Grant that by our devotion to Mary we may more generously serve you and each other. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Merciful God, guided by your loving care, Mary, our glorius Mother, called seven holy men to found a new family of her Servants. Grant that by our devotion to Mary we may more generously serve you and each other. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Lord God, while on earth Elizabeth was highly favored by Mary, Mother of your Son, Jesus. Now, in heaven, may she help us to be faithful in your service and secure in your love. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Lord God, through the example of your Son, you called Blessed Benincasa to a life of solitude, prayer and penance. May his holy life ispire us to follow your Son in freedom of spirit. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Heavenly Father, instill in us the gifts of piety and gentleness like those of your servant, Francis. These qualities of heart made him remarkable in his devotion to the Mother of Jesus and gave him the ability to lead others to holiness. We ask through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Heavenly Father, instill in us the gifts of piety and gentleness like those of your servant, Francis. These qualities of heart made him remarkable in his devotion to the Mother of Jesus and gave him the ability to lead others to holiness. We ask through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Father in heave, you richly endowed James Philip with a knowledge of divine truth and a heart on fire with love whenever he celebrated the Eucharist. Draw us to yourself, source of our wisdom and font of generous love. We ask through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Father in heave, you richly endowed James Philip with a knowledge of divine truth and a heart on fire with love whenever he celebrated the Eucharist. Draw us to yourself, source of our wisdom and font of generous love. We ask through our Lord Jesus Christ.
may the prayers of the Virgin Mary protect us and help us to reach Christ her Son
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.
God, our Father, you called Juliana who was a model of penance and chaste love to form a new community of sisters, Servants of Mary. Grant that your Church, as the loving bride of Jesus, may always witness this gift of total love in the lives of consecrated women. We ask this though our Lord Jesus Christ.
God, our Father, graciously you listen to the person who is humble. Grant that with the help of Thomas we may obtain happiness now and always. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.
Lord, our God, source of all love, help us by the prayers and example of Blessed Ubald. Fill us with your gifts so that we may glorify you in total love. We ask though our Lord Jesus Christ.
may the prayers of the Virgin Mary protect us and help us to reach Christ her Son
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.
may the prayers of the Virgin Mary protect us and help us to reach Christ her Son
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. help to save us,
for by ourselves we cannot please you.
Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.
all creation rightly gives you praise,
for all life and all holiness come from you.
In the plan of your wisdom
she who bore the Christ in her womb
was raised body and soul in glory to be
with him in heaven.
May we follow her example in reflecting your holiness
and join in her hymn of endless life and praise.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
you have given us the mother of your Son
to be our queen and mother.
With the support of her prayers
may we come to share the glory of your children in the kingdom of heaven.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.
O God, through Andrew you called many hermits to the community of Servants, making them one in their service of Mary and love for each other. Grant that, as humble servants of Mary, we may be one in heart and action. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.September
O God, by your grace and the austerity of her life, Joan remained faithful to her consecrated love for Jesus. Grant that we by her prayer and example, may experience conversion of heart so that we may love and serve you above all things. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Touch our hearts, O Lord, with the same spirit of conversion with which you touched your servant Blessed Bonaventure and made him both a herald of your gospel and an example of penance. We ask through our Lord Jesus Christ.
give your people help and strength from heaven. The birth of the Virgin Mary‟s Son was the dawn of our salvation.
May this celebration of her birthday bring us closer to lasting peace.
Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.
you willed that Mary
should stand by the cross of your Son.
May we who share with her the suffering of Jesus,
also share with her the joy of the resurrection. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.
Father, our lives are in your hands. You willed that Blessed Maria Guadalupe, contemplative Servant of Our Lady, might share in Christ’s suffering. Help us to understand the mystery of your Son and to follow his footsteps and the narrow way that leads to life. He is God and lives and reigns with you forever and ever. Amen
fill our hearts with your love,
and as you revealed to us by an angel
the coming of your Son as man,
so lead us through his suffering and death
to the glory of his resurrection,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.
O Lord, John Angelo was faithful in his religious life and zealous in teaching Christian doctrine. May he pray for us, that we may always be close to you, observe the counsels of the gospel, and be fervent in apostolic work. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ.
we honor the holiness and glory of the Virgin Mary,
May her prayers bring us
the fullness of your life and love.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.
Mary had a faith that your Spirit prepared
and a love that never knew sin,
for you kept her sinless from the first
moment of her conception.
Trace in our actions the lines of her love,
in our hearts her readiness of faith.
Prepare once again a world for your Son
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit
one God, for ever and ever.
Heavenly Father, you wondrously endowed Jerome with the gifts of your Spirit. Grant, through his intercession, that, filled with the wisdom of Christ, we may be prudent in all we do. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ.
with the presence of the Virgin Mary of Guadalupe.
May her prayers help all men and women
to accept each other as brothers and sisters.
Through your justice present in our hearts may your peace reign in the world.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.
Almighty God, grace our hearts with the gift of wise counsel so manifest in the life of Bonaventure, who was a spiritual guide for your dedicated Servants. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Thursday January 16