Dear Servites, Please remember in your prayers the people of Puerto Rico who are dealing with the devastation from the recent earthquakes. They are still recovering from the aftermath of Hurricane Maria that hit in 2017 and now this latest natural disaster is making things much tougher for them. The people are in need of many necessities. A number of our OSSM brother and sisters here in the US mainland have connections and families living in Puerto Rico, namely Bro Arnaldo Sanchez, OSM, National Assistant; Valentin Rosario, OSSM, National Liaison for Latino Communities and Fr. Vidal Martinez, OSM. May Our Lady of Divine Providence, Patroness of Puerto Rico intercede on behalf of the people so that they receive the support and aid that is needed to restore them to wholeness. Your notes of prayerful support can be sent to Valentin Rosario, OSSM: