In the early 13th century, the Order of Friar Servants of Mary, or Servites, embraced Mary, the Sorrowful Mother, standing at the foot of the Cross, as Patroness. As a form of devotion to her, they developed the Rosary of Our Lady of Sorrow...
Category: Reflections
¿Qué nos desafía durante la Cuaresma?
English por Cheryl MaryTeresa Teeling, OSSMComunidad de Nuestra Madre Más Dolorosa, Portland, OR ¿Qué sentimos realmente cuando nos desafían profundizamos en nuestras propias vidas durante la Cuaresma? ¡Ciertamente podemos sentirnos perturbado...
What Challenges Us During Lent?
Spanish by Cheryl MaryTeresa Teeling, OSSMOur Most Sorrowful Mother Community, Portland, OR What do we feel that perhaps really challenges us when we go deeper into our own lives during Lent? We can certainly feel disturbed by our own sins when meditating...
Maria es Servita
Nuestra Señora de los Dolores, es nuestra Fundadora y Patrona de la Orden de los Siervos de María. Los Siete Santos Fundadores siguieron las instrucciones de Ella, inspirados por el Espíritu Santo. La Virgen Maria representa un estilo de evange...
What Is God’s Will for Me?
Presentation by Fr. John Fontana, O.S.M. – Finding God’s will is not a treasure hunt or a search for a plan that God has already prepared for me. Rather I am invited into a cooperative partnership with God, through which I learn God’s hopes and dream...
Ecology from a Nihilist Point of View for an Ecology that is Open and Transparent, by Fra Clodovis M. Boff, O.S.M.
Presentation by Fra. Clodovis M. Boff, O.S.M. 6th International UNIFAS Conference July 7 – 14, Rio De Janeiro Brazil Premises Nihilism is a concept that affirms life is without meaning and consequently of little or no value. In this perspective nature is...
Giver of Life: Whirling Through the Cosmos in Pain and Hope, by Elizabeth A. Johnson, CSJ
Presentation by Elizabeth Johnson, CSJ 6th International UNIFAS Conference July 7 – 14, 2010, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil Introduction In the previous talk, dear friends and fellow Christians, we explored the meaning of Jesus Christ for ecological spirituality an...
Deep Incarnation: Prepare To Be Astonished by Elizabeth Johnson, CSJ
Presentation by Elizabeth Johnson, CSJ 6th International UNIFAS Conference July 7 – 14, 2010, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil Introduction Consider two images of the natural world. One is the by‐now familiar photo of our planet taken from space: a blue marble s...
Embracing One’s Own Mission – Moses
By reading these chapters of Exodus 3 – 34 slowly and sharing Moses’ journey I will find parallels between him and me, his mission and mine. Moses received his call from God while he was watching a burning brush: “I must go over and look at this rem...