Dear Servites, Your prayers are requested for Wally Tobin, OSSM and his wife, Sheila Tobin, OSSM, St. Philip Benizi Community, St. Petersburg FL. Both are experiencing health issues. In addition, Wally recently fell and hit his head requiring a visit to the ho...
Month: March 2020
Fr. Donato Silveri
Dear Servites, Your prayers are requested for Fr. Donato Silveri, Spiritual Assistant for the Immaculate Conception Community, Spring City, PA. as he recovers from a heart procedure. May the Lord hear our prayers that Fr. Silveri be restored to health wholenes...
The people of Puerto Rico

Dear Servites, Please remember in your prayers the people of Puerto Rico who are dealing with the devastation from the recent earthquakes. They are still recovering from the aftermath of Hurricane Maria that hit in 2017 and now this latest natural disaster is ...
Reneé Bowen

Dear Servites, Jason Roberts, OSSM, St Peregrine Community, Kissimmee, FL is requesting prayers for his aunt, Reneé Bowen who is in the hospital due to kidney failure and a serious bacterial infection resulting in her inability to walk. May the Lord hear our ...